Each running journey starts with a desired goal, something we haven’t done before, something we are keen to accomplish. Something to strive toward. A beginner runner who is very young and talented may dream of the Olympic glory. A 52 year bloke who I was when I started running may be a bit more...
5 Beginner Runner’s Frustrations And How To Overcome Them
Once we have decided that running will be our way of getting fitter and healthier we start feeling positive and content. Next we shop around for shoes, clothes and some accessories, it’s part of the fun. The choice between running in the gym or outdoors has been made. There is now nothing between...
9 Reasons Why People Quit Running And How Not To
Benefits of running, mental as well as physical, are well known and are the main reason why many take up running. From that starting point onwards we all take different journeys. Many will be happy to jog several times per week or maybe explore their limits by following various running programs....
15 Frequent Running Questions Every New Runner May Ask
On the surface running is very simple. Basic equipment, simple movements, loads of benefits. And then we begin to discover one thing after another and, naturally, start asking questions. At times there could be plenty of them. Like a child facing a new situation, a new runner will discover many...
How I Trained To Run 5K: The Start To My Life-Changing Running Journey
In the beginning things were simple, or so I thought. I had a pair of trainers, shorts and a top. And lots of enthusiasm. I wanted to run 5K as quickly as possible, get fit - stay fit and enjoy myself. Except, I didn’t have a faintest idea how to do it. No plan. And you do need a plan when you are...