Running motivation
This category lists articles that offer experienced runner’s tips and advice on how to maintain running motivation, stay on track and keep going to improve your long term physical and mental health. Giving up for petty reasons is not an option! Things like boring runs and recurring boredom while running can be overcome, so can laziness and common everyday excuses. Even advanced age is not a barrier to running if you listen to your body. Every runner can achieve whatever goals they set, at whatever stage of their life. Adapt and keep going!
Running From 5K To 10K To Ultra Marathon – How I Hit My Targets And Increased My Distances……Even If At Times I Thought I Couldn’t

Running From 5K To 10K To Ultra Marathon – How I Hit My Targets And Increased My Distances……Even If At Times I Thought I Couldn’t

In the beginning there was one simple aim for me - being able to run at 52. I was very unfit and rusty to say the least. But once I discovered and mastered those early running tips and understood what’s necessary in order to run comfortably and with relative ease, I started thinking of distance...